Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Got the love for Jesus?

I had to make a post of this today! This video is about 9 minutes long so if you don't have the time to watch it...don't start it!

Don't skip forward because you will miss the amazing artwork in process!

This post is definitely for those who can appreciate God given talents!

I thank TWG for sharing it with me...

Enjoy and God be with you and yours!


IYMS said...


You're welcome. This is just another example of how we should be using our talents by God, for God. Your readers/bloggers probably don't realize the impact their writings have on people. Their sentiments are definitely heartfelt. They are truly talented.

Thanks so much for highlighting this individual's talents. I challenge everyone to take time to reflect and give praise with the use of their talents as well.

CapCity said...

I truly do appreciate the many Gifts of God...i don't appreciate the promotion of images of EuroCentric Christ figures...i have to bow out on this one, D...

Shai said...

Capcity, I felt a lil of that myself.

dc_speaks said...

the funny thing about that is that I had the same conversation with Rich last night...

I knew that would be on some of your minds...

I'm more appreciative of the talent that he had for creating an image in less than 9 mins...

the actual workmanship alone was spectacular..especially in that short time frame...

I was waiting to see who would say that first..

dc_speaks said...

in case you all didn't know...TWG is IYMS...an excellent writer as well with lots of inspiration for any who stop by her spot.

I wonder what any of us could do to give God some honor in under 9 mins..I dont know what I could do...I know I could praise!

CapCity said...

Not to denounce nor belittle the man's talent,DC - but I come from a line of visual artists/arch. engineers (see one of my drawings on my soulmates post)...so, maybe that's why my focus was the content rather than the skill.

I can't help but see things through my Blackness (as much as I try not to sometimes:-) - so not surprisingly, I had to point it out.

I definitely have Ms. IYMS bkmarked, love her soulful insights!

Shai said...

I feel ya on skill DC. I just was not inspired by the artist's image. Actually as he wrote the words I felt deeply, then I was like what is his point then he started painting and I knew it was the typical pic of Jesus.

It is hard for me to appreciate an image that I don't connect my own image with. Art is subjective and sometimes we don't see eye to eye.

dc_speaks said...

I understand what ya'll are saying...I don't subscribe to the image depicted in the Eurocentric culture either...but I can appreciate art...regardless of my belief

thank you for your comments

Khoney330 said...

I can appreciate the artistic ability, even though we know, from the Bible, this not an accurate depiction.