Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Sometimes ya gotta say...WTF!!!

Keeping in line with the "theme days" so that I don't drain all of my reserve tank dry from working on book projects, recruiting, and blogging, there shall be another instituted theme day. Today and henceforth Wednesdays shall be named...WTF WEDNESDAY!!!!!

There is no set subject. Anything that is on your mind. It is an open forum where the first lines of each comment start with that could mean what the frick, where the frick, why the frick, who the frick, etc., but each comment should start with WTF.

Prime example...WTF was Sen Larry Craig lying about his homosexual rendezvous in the Minnesota Airport during his television interview last night? Please!!!!

Have fun and keep it as clean as possible, fam.

Have a fantastic day!


Anonymous said...

Thank you, and I will have a fantastic day, now that I'm


Okay, WTF is up with dude?

Anonymous said...

WTF am I feeling sooo lonely today?

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

WTF is condi rice doing in the news, aint seen here since Katrina

KIKI said...

Hey everybody! (waving)

WTF did my 7 yr olds school just call me to say he needs someone to come pick his bad ass up because he tried to choke some other child?

WTF is there a probability that you all will here about me on the news cause I'm bout to do the same (choke) to him when I get that lil fuker home? I'm bout to beat dat back later...if I'm not in jail (lol)

Anonymous said...

WTF this girl in Waffle House name tag said Big Baby? I know her mommy didn't name he that.

WTF is wrong with TI?

T.a.c.D said...

WTF is up with my co-worker asking me could i help her with a couch to NOT only DRIVE into work tomorrow (which i don't do) but help her move the shiggady from the place of purchase in her office, and when i looked at her like she was friggin hooked on phonics, she looked at me as if to say i "owe" her....chick puh leeze, just because you are of the "other" kind doesn't mean shiggady to me...

WTF do people act like you gotta do shiggady for them

so HELL NAW i am not driving MY TRUCK to work to move a couch for YOU...

yea i truly had a WTF Wednesday this am...

Diva's Thoughts said...

WTF am I going to do for dinner tonight?

Miss Snarky Pants said...

WTF am I only now remembering this?? SIGH

GurlNexxDoor said...

WTF, I missed this on Wenesday, Oh well I will catch it today!

WTF did I think today was payday?

WTF told the clerk to change the files around?

H(HoPe)TF You all have a wonderful day.

nikki said...

wtf are all the white politicians trying to 'claim' relations to baraka like he's the prize at the bottom of the cereal box?!?

Ticia said...

I am so tired...
