Thursday, October 4, 2007

Lost Sibling Reunion Day!

I know that some of us have heard that we have a twin somewhere in the world. We may never get to see the person that has striking resemblance to our facial features. So we will try to dedicate various posts to bring loved ones together and reunite siblings that otherwise may not have ever had a chance to bond.

This is the philanthropic side of D.C. I know it's hard to believe but I must help save the world one set of siblings at a time.

So for the first installment I give you:

Martian Leader


Phil Spector

As you can see, both siblings are in court in their respective photos. Go figure!

We will continue to do our part and if you know of any lost siblings, feel free to let us know so we can contact them for the reunion process to begin.

We thank you for your support of our efforts.

This has been our Public Service Announcement.


Anonymous said...

Toooo funny, thanks for that. Something about him that scares the bajeepers (sp?) out of me. You were commenting when I was posting.
Come pass.
Am I first.....

Anonymous said...

oh here's one....

dc_speaks said...

hahahahahah...thanks for the link.

that was hilarious!

um. yeah. he should scare anyone. especially since one of the things he gets off on is putting a loaded gun in women's mouths. hmmmmmm. that's his fetish!

GurlNexxDoor said...

LOLOL, thats funny. Good one! I do hope my twin is of a human nature. Lol.

Little Brown Girl said...

HILARIOUS!!! I still can't understand why so many women had sex with this man. I mean I know he's rich but wouldya just look at him! I can't imagine it!!!

Miss Snarky Pants said...

LMAO. about a striking resemblance....


dc_speaks said...

@GND: im sure your siblin will be human. lol.

@RD: you mean you wouldn't find him attractive(i mean rich) enough to let him put a loaded gun in your mouth to have sex? surprise to hear that..hahahahaha

@ms b: i know..right! it was funny!

Anonymous said...


How in the world?.......Why in the world?.......What in the world?!!!!!

I don't even know what to say. That is too funny.

Unknown said...

Now that was funny!

So...Wise...Sista said...

*spitting out my drink*

Anonymous said...

LOL How about Micheal Jackson and the monkey from Planet of the Apes.

Ticia said...


4 Sure!!

neshia said...


dc_speaks said...

@nic: I knew what to say. I got you covered.

@Kim: yup, yup. I aims to make you laugh.

@so wise: heyyyyyyyy long time lady. um..make suer you wipe the screen down. it gets sticky. ive done it plenty of times since I started blogging.

@TOSG: let me find a good pic and consider it done.

@ticia: you likes? cool!

KIKI said...

ROFLAMO!!!...U stoopid...

SistaSocialite said...

HAHAHA that's soo funny!

Don said...

Just about a perfect match. LOL. A person can look at Phil Spector and not comment because you already know he's gone.

CapCity said...


Saadia said...

I love it. Perfect.

neshia said...

my daddy out side child look like that thing lol

dc_speaks said...

@kiki: you act like you didn't know that already

@sistahsocialite: welcome to the blog..who knew? not me certainly. lol

@don: they could be abuot a year or two apart. not twins, but close.

@Cap: if?

@Saadia: My MF!!!!!! hahahahaha can I have a poem for the theme, MF? Lost siblings day...pleaseeeeee!!!

Mr.Slish said...

Imagine Phil Spector with that hairdu in jail...

you can check me at

I moved my blog recently

dc_speaks said...

be nice sure your half sister doesn't feel so strongly about you.

you going to send me off into a whole different way of thinking...

well since you started it...i ignored the first comment about it because I didn't want to fuel the fire but see I hold up black women. I have done my fair share of dissing, doggin and dickin them over. I will not condone the degradation of any black women(women period), but especially my sisters. If you don't like the woman, cool..but around these parts I want women to be respected and lifted up.

Since I don't know her and she is obviously a black women, I will elevate her so that she can in turn elevate a black man to where he needs to be and they can both keep each other lifted up.

even in my jest, I still maintain respect for my!

we good, just don't tear down one of our own. that happens too often by other people.

thanks, neshia. I'm sure you understand.

dc_speaks said...

what up mr slish? i'll be over to check you out, brah.

thanks for stoppin over.

Muze said...

you are sooooo silly for this.

dc_speaks said...

@Muze: I gotta do...what I gotta do!

neshia said...

sorry dc but i had too get some stuff off my heart a long story

neshia said...

we cool !! it just hurt

Stephen Cosey said...

LOL! That's crazy!

dc_speaks said...

hi stephen. thanks for stopping over.

i found a few more. stop back for the next installment

Coko Mulan said...


lmaoooooooooooo wow.

Mary Ann Carrasquillo said...

I am looking for any half siblings of my son Blade Martin Dicks age 22, born Bridgeport CT fathered by Daniel Eugene Dicks, age about 64, lived in both Florida and CT, now in prison for life in New York. Blade would love to meet any of his maybe 30 or more half brothers and sister.

Mary Ann Carrasquillo said...

I am looking for any half siblings of my son Blade Martin Dicks age 22, born Bridgeport CT fathered by Daniel Eugene Dicks, age about 64, lived in both Florida and CT, now in prison for life in New York. Blade would love to meet any of his maybe 30 or more half brothers and sister.

Mary Ann Carrasquillo said...

I am looking for any half siblings of my son Blade Martin Dicks age 22, born Bridgeport CT fathered by Daniel Eugene Dicks, age about 64, lived in both Florida and CT, now in prison for life in New York. Blade would love to meet any of his maybe 30 or more half brothers and sister.