Lost Sibling Reunion Day!
We interrupt the regularly scheduled Pot Luck Friday for this urgent news bulletin. No efforts have been spared in making dreams come true. Our investigations have uncovered yet more joyous siblings that were brought together by sheer chance.
Our mission statement is all about the family and we will never give up on helping the world.
I know that some of us have heard that we have a twin somewhere in the world. We may never get to see the person that has striking resemblance to our facial features. So we will try to dedicate various posts to bring loved ones together and reunite siblings that otherwise may not have ever had a chance to bond.
This is the philanthropic side of D.C. I know it's hard to believe but I must help save the world one set of siblings at a time.

andddddddd as a bonus sibling reunion.....

The smile only solidifies the joy of siblings reunited.
Thank you all for helping to bring these lost loved ones together. Since the initial meeting, they have had an opportunity to share many stories of growing up, thus another success story!
It is also rumored that "grem" as he is affectionately called by flav may have doubled during sex scenes with brigitte nielson and New york for taping FLavor of Love and the Surreal Life.
Stay tuned for more reunions!
Aaawwww daaaayuuuummmmm!!! LMAO! Perfect perfect perfect, so wonderful to see long lost siblings reunited.
Wrong.for.that! LMAO
LOL! Too funny. Happy Friday!
ROFLMAO...if my twin looked like that...leave them lost...LOL
You were on point today. Can't stop laughing.
Wow! Thanks for the laugh!!
WOW DC, I would say that you're wrong for this, but the resemblances are uncanny. Too funny. Have a good weekend!
Wait a second now DC...Grem and Flav really DO favor each other [I'll give you that] but-chu must know you was DEAD WRONG for throwin' my hubby [in my head] 50 up there like dat.
Shew...with a body like his, ain't nobody payin' attention to his face no way [LOLOLOLOL]
Thanks for the laugh bruh... Hope you have a great weekend!!
ah shit, I can definitely appreciate this post...you had me rollin'
I'm wit Ms. B...Leave 50 alone! Wit a body like that...f*ck the face...that's what light swithces are for!LOL
But Flav & the Gremilin...HIGH FIVE! LMAO
Oh.My.God. I nearly fell over from laughing at this! You got me man! YOu got with this one!!!!!
You have lost your mind!!! ce
@Mo: I ain' do nuttin...im innocent
@shelia" of course your twin doesn't, but I don't know what you like like anyway. lol!
@Re of C: you're welcome, ma'am
@tasha: hey girl, been a awhile. thanks and you have a great weekend as well.
@ms B: why thank you sistah. me. wrong. puh lease. you know what it is. like i said earlier..i ain even do nuttin
@neshia: glad you liked it, homegirl.
yazmar: heyyyy my entertainment source is in da house!!!!! i'll be adding that link to my blog roll than you very much.
@kiki: what you want me to do about the pic, huh? it is what it is. hahahahahahahahah i will take the high five though. smile!
femigog: what up fam? glad you liked. i did fall over when I saw the pics...you are not alone. and sprayed the screen with coffee too
@ticia: sorry i was typing when you posted your comment... now how did i lose my mind? huh?
oh the pics that i have for this series are da shizzzznitZ!!!!!
you know...you might be going to Hades for that...
I don't wanna know who think my twin might be...lol
OK, that was funny as hell!!! Made my Friday afternoon.
vThat Gremlin and Flav is scary!
@blah: not me..it was the one armed man! lol!
@bygbaby: welcome to the blog, brah. glad you enjoyed. stop back, the light will be on.
@TOSG: aint that the truth!
Oh my Gawd....You are a freaking nut case. LOL
Okay, I got the one with 50 and the ape, but Why the two pictures of Flavor?
fuggin hilarious!
I thought you were my brother I don't believe you could fix your fingers to put my guy up there with that ape!!!!
You won't be invited to Christmas Dinner.
Do You think my genes are strong so our kids look like me? Lol
The gremlin does look like flava flava. Lol
Have a good weekend
PS. Kiki--thanks for the heads up girl
fn hilarious!!...rotflmao...wow!!...i think i have a side cramp...please, don't ever find my twin...i am a-okay...thanks for the laugh!...may you be blessed abundantly for this post:)..
I just wanna know which one'a y'all spilled the HATEORADE??
Have a Great Weekend er'rybody!!
Anytime, Gurl!
LOL@Ms. B...IT WASN'T ME (I dont think...lmao)
I don't drink it so I wouldn't have any around ms b.
Personally D, I think flav needs 2 keep his shit off lol, unless it is sunlight proof lmfao.
LMBO!!!!!! Just wrong!! lol
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