Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Sometimes ya gotta say...WTF!!!!

Keeping in line with the "theme days" so that I don't drain all of my reserve tank dry from working on book projects, recruiting, and blogging, there shall be another instituted theme day. Today and henceforth Wednesdays shall be named...WTF WEDNESDAY!!!!!

There is no set subject. Anything that is on your mind. It is an open forum where the first lines of each comment start with that could mean what the frick, where the frick, why the frick, who the frick, etc., but each comment should start with WTF.

Here's a prime example of a WTF moment. WTF does the candy that I fell in love with 30 years ago still make me remember how good it was when i was a kid? Especially at the movies...I'm talking about my(drum roll please)

Have fun and keep it as clean as possible, fam.

Have a fantastic day!


All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

WTF kind of math is the Conservative post using to compare the deaths in 15 major US cities to the number of soliders killed in Iraq? Electing Liberals Might Just Get You Killed I mean first the sould ad up the total populations of he cities , compare that to Iraq, and then do a per captia estimate - the statitician in me.

Saadia said...

WTF is wrong with my hair today?

danzer1986 said...

WTF didnt i take the offer of a 3 some with my 2 lovely girlfriend yesterday!

KIKI said...

WTF is everything & everybody annoying the HALE outta me today?!

WTF is it 10:45 in the morning & I already feel like I need a drink?

Infamous JP said...

WTF!!! That dude hit a deaf guy with a crowbar?! Somebody please explain this one to me.

Anonymous said...

Girly girl - We all have those days.

Danzer - Cuz it will lower the risk?

Kiki - Maybe your about to have a "visitor" soon. Poor baby.

Infamous - Who?

Wtf am I not understanding this, "new everything" at work since another company bought us out! AAAARGH!

Miss Snarky Pants said...

WTF is it that family members wait good and well til' you get to/are at work before they think of a million n' one things to call you about??

neshia said...

wtf... is taking him so long to come down here

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah....Go Steelers!

Ticia said...


What am I going to do with my hair today? Tomorrow...

neshia said... he at

T. S. Snowden said...

WTF are his bill collectors calling me for? He doesn't even live here anymore! and
WTF! As much as I wanted to give them the last number I had for him and whereabouts for him I didnt. (I just couldnt sell the brother out)

neshia said... dc at? i need to ask him something ? do i need to make things comfortable for my baby

Miss Snarky Pants said...

ummm WTF does that photo of a box of milk duds make me want some sugar babies or even better a sugar daddy?!?!

Remember those??

neshia said...

wtf... taking the buys so long to come by my house for inter doc

dmarks said...

Remember when milk duds had lots of funny flavors, like banana and grape?

Shai said...

WTF caused a gunman to shoot kids in a Cleveland school.

Check out story at:

neshia said...

dc... do any of folks go there if so are they ok

dc_speaks said...



the gunman is more like a gun"kid". a 14yr old white kid.

@neshia: nope I have no ties to that school. thanks for your concern.


WTF is up with a train carrying hazardous materials derailing and causing a huge fire right outside of cleveland on the same day.

this is ridiculous!

hi fam. sorry not in a mood to address everyone individually.

LoveMyselfFirst said...

WTF is adult acne? Isn't acne for kids? I'm too old for this shit.

Mr.Slish said...

Did you say keep it clean? WTF!!!

Don said...

wtf is wrong with the new orleans saints

Ray said...

Hey hommie, the east coast is da bombdiggity. I AM HOME, But here is mines fo ya.

WTF, I want some job to call me and give me an offer ASAP PLEASSSEEEEEEE.

Unknown said...

Very interesting site. You got my attention.

Anonymous said...

WTF am I going to do this weekend? um...homecoming? etc. etc.

Muze said...

wtf am i soooo busy! i miss blogging!

Anonymous said...

Hey....................*Waving back*

Anonymous said...

WTF can't I figure out how to post a youtube clip on my blog, when I've done it twice befofre?

dmarks said...

In Blogspot, the only way to get the Youtube's in seems to be to go in and edit HTML and paste the embed there. It does not seem to work in regular compose.

SistaSocialite said...

WTF is wrong with kids these days??

What happened to going outside and playing in the dirt?? Why are 13 year olds going to CLUBS???

Mr. Jones said...

WTF is wrong with the white people in my office? Just because I'm the only black man here doesn't mean I need to be singled out. It's ok not to make references to the Chapelle Show, call me 'brotha' and be overly demonstrative when talking to me. I'm no yo boy.

Ray said...

WTF, I try to fight DC the east coast is bomb. IM OVER HERE SMILING AND ACTIN A DAMN FOOL b/c I GOT CRUSH IDIS!!!

Mustafa Şenalp said...

umalYour blog is very nice:)