Material for the ages...
If you were president of our country, would this be your legacy? Forever known for some of the best sound bite parodies in American History.
I don't think that's how I would want to go out.
If you were president of our country, would this be your legacy? Forever known for some of the best sound bite parodies in American History.
I don't think that's how I would want to go out.
Posted by
6:09 AM
you gotta admit, this has been a funny 8 years.. every time he holds a press conference He says something that cracks me up! So sad that he is more of a comedian to me than a president!! SMH... and this is who we (meaning they, b/c I voted against him twice!) picked to run our country?
Bush, is a clown
I'm going to miss GW. I love watching his news conferences :)
He's a clown.. buffoooneryyyyy!!
Stupid azz!
LM.MF.AO!! (and then shaking my head in pure disgust)
Well, at least he was good for a few good laughs. How you doin' D?!!
@sincere: oh its been funny alright. a comedian for sure. amazing. thanks for your comment.
@T: tell us how you really feel.
@shelia: I can't agree with that statement at all.
@mzcoko: hey girl. how's the D? excellent choice of word.
@TOSG: now thats more like it. hahahahahaha
@tha l: hey girlllllll. im doing well. Oh he was good for a ton of laughs. I had another video to post, but for some reason, I can't find it. It really showed some "buffonery"(thanks mz coko)
left a shout out for u on the last comment of my post caled 40 on 40, read it and comments and let me know if u feel me
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