Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My favorite Grammy winners!

Senator Barack Obama

Kanye West

I hate quoting car commercials, but "who could ask for anything more"?

Please enjoy the videos...I surely did!



Blu Jewel said...

That's the hotness right there!

Anonymous said...

I like the fact that Kanye always tries to be different, but I could do with-out the arrogance. Oh well, I don't have to sleep with him.

Ticia said...

Kanye can do no wrong!

Eb the Celeb said...

So you slept on that Herbie Hancock album too... I cant believe so many people were surprised that he won... if they heard the album... they wouldnt have been

dc_speaks said...

@Blu...yeayyyyyyyyy boyyyyy!

@nic: nope u dont' i like the attitude. and i dont have to sleep with him either.hahahahaha

@ticia: figured you would like that chi town gal.

@eb: i really did. i heard about it, but never in a million years did i think someone other than kanye or amy would win for album of the year.

im glad that he did. he's a brilliant artist.

WrkNProgress said...

Kanye West is brilliant, but I will pass on the arrogance.

BloggersDelight said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rich Fitzgerald said...

Sorry 'bout that delete - I'm pulling a double shift.

What's up black man. Been waiting for you to get back to "bringing it" like back in the day, but I guess them days is long gone.

On the videos, nobody was gone give Yay any problems in light of his momma passing and the words cut into his head. Is it me, or did it feel like I lost a relative when she passed.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

as usual, i missed the grammy's when were they on?

Anonymous said...

dc nothing to do with this post, but chk this out asap, and check out what this white supremicit has to say im engaged in brain battle with him as we speak

Anonymous said...

Lisa said...

I missed them too. . . but I heard about the "Queen's" ego fight with Beyonce and the writers!

dc_speaks said...

ok braincell, why did you have to get me enraged by sending me to view that nonsense.

I will join the fray against the jack asses that profess their intellect.
