Dis shole duz look good!
This forum is officially a smash hit. I am excited to present once again POT LUCK FRIDAY.What I would like to do is get some feed back from some non blogging readers or some bloggers that don't have the time to blog right now. An open forum, if you will. Anything and everything in love, life, the world(personal or global), or whatever.
There is no topic off limits! I know that relationship posts are common but be more specific. What element of the relationships? Finding one, keeping one, how to get out of one..all are up for discussion and friendly debate.
I am an information junkie! Garbage in--garbage out! But, I still like to process information. So, I'd like to try to start a day where the readers are in control of every single question, we take the comment that is posted right before you, answer their comment question, then post your own question for the next person. We can discuss it in a civil manner. If it goes well, then it could be really fun.
I must exercise more moderation on the personal topics comments. I got a few emails from some participants and I must agree that some of the comments were hurtful and should be handled off line...privately. Let's have fun and keep it relatively clean...please---thank you.Have a fantastic weekend and let's come up with some great questions to kick around the campfire!
So without further delay.....who is up for the challenge, part 25?