I oughtta be in pictures...
Movies that teach you how to escape from prison...Priceless!!

escape hole behind scantily clad picture of a woman
**Warning..big hole in the wall**
Here's what the Fox News Report had to say about it.

Here's what the Fox News Report had to say about it.
Wow! Fiction turned reality!...what's the next movie to play out?
Ok that is scary.
Oh my! And I thought having the crazy people from Ancora Psychiatric hospital escape was scary. *shm*
Fox compares this story to Shawshank. When I heard this story on the radio the other day, they said that they interview other prison mates who said the guys got the idea from the TV show Prison Break; which just so happens to be one of my favorite shows. But when I first started watchin it...I was like "watch some fools try this same ish"...WAH-LAH!...now you got fools breaking out for real.
All I got to say is...RUNNNN!!!LOL
Whuddup fam?
I wanted to wish you a very happy and safe new year and may God Bless You with your plans for 2008
i saw that on the news LOL
Hey, you prison officials. Check the locks. Check the drains near the medical wards. "Prison Break" has been out on DVD for a while.
And by all means, if you see a mouse running along the green mile, stomp it good.
I saw this on CNN a few days ago. I hate to see criminals roaming free, but I love to see our criminal justice system with a little egg on its face.
Reform, dammit, reform!
Happy New Year DC!
NOw that is crazy, a guy escaped the hospital yesterday here in MD< he was eventually shot and killed...but that's scary you know...
and i must agree with the last comment as much as i hate to see criminals out and about, its definitely time for reform, its not working, the current system is NOT working
U know...if it weren't for writers numbskulls wouldn't know what da hayl to do!
AnyWho - Happy New Year to ya, DC!
wow, that's a trip! happy new year dc!!!
Happy New Year -- and you know I had to come over and remind you that the SEC owns OHIO!!!
Reminds me of the Buffallo Bills of the late 80's, early 90's.
Well, good luck next year.
yep shaw shank
Happy new year!
Thats crazy... and how did they do that w/o making noise.. aint the guards suppose to be pacing by the cells ever so often?
When I watched this story on Fox News, one question bugged me: Which of these two guys was the idea man in this situation?
Did they ever find these jokers?
Funny how on the day these guys get re-arrested for escaping, I come across your Blog, --Oooo scary.
Before I get into it, we have to recognize that the Guard that the two named for helping them escape, committed suicide. Regardless if he did or didn't assist them, a life was lost.
As for the two escapees, I made it a point to remind people that these KIDS today are not dumb, just misguided, victims of circumstance or just anarchist to the status quo BUT not stupid. Anyone one with enough Common Sense and BALL could have and would have done the same thing. Especially since escapes happen more than people like to report from even HIGHER SECURITY PRISONS.
ahhhh man...that totally sucks about the guard.
thank you for bringin that to my attention. I am troubled that a man lost his life...truly troubled.
you comment was fantastic and thought provoking. I appreciate it immensely. Thanks again!
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