Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Sometimes ya gotta say...WTF!!!

Keeping in line with the "theme days" so that I don't drain all of my reserve tank dry from working on book projects, recruiting, and blogging, there shall be another instituted theme day. Today and henceforth Wednesdays shall be named...WTF WEDNESDAY!!!!!

There is no set subject. Anything that is on your mind. It is an open forum where the first lines of each comment start with that could mean what the frick, where the frick, why the frick, who the frick, etc., but each comment should start with WTF.

Have fun and keep it as clean as possible, fam.

Have a fantastic day!


BK said...

WTF am I here??? 2 more weeks to freedom baby!

Blu Jewel said...

WTF am I sooo not ready for Thanksgiving and actually could care less about all the festivities?

Saadia said...

WTF did I wake up with a sore throat? I've got to stay healthy!

Blah Blah Blah said...

WTF does it feel like I have boogers in my nose?!!
If I blow my nose one more ''s already red...and it hurts...but I swear verytime I breath in...I feel it!!!!!! Arrgh!

Khoney330 said...

WTF do people drive in the passing lane.. getting passed? I hate dat!!!!

dc_speaks said...

@Bk: count dem days girl, count dem days

@Blu: me either actually. you are not alone feeling like that.

@Saadia: Vitamin C and do in in a hury with some ricola and hot tea. thats my advice.

@Blah: awwww...same as the above comment. wrap up and follow the above prescription. that may work wonders.

@Khoney: wow. i hate that too. its been a whole since you've been around.

Anonymous said...

WTF is up with your Monday post?!?!? (the subject matter anyway). That is just about the nastiest grossest thing I ever heard of.

I'm not down for it all (let me be crystal clear) but I'd just about by a kid a "j" before I'd want to see them do that! Why can't they just get permanent markers and glue like we did?! Jeez!

KIKI said...

WTF am I seriously considering keeping a flask in my desk drawer? It's been one HELL of a day!

Miss Snarky Pants said...

WTF do people wait 10 minutes for an elevator just to go up on it ONE FLIGHT?!?!?!

DurtyMo said...

Hey Hey! WTF does it feel like spring outside? This weather is B.L.O.W.I.N.G. me!

dc_speaks said...

@soj G: first Go Cavs! dude, I had to post that information. I was disgusted and appalled. but the word needs to get out. just in case its not a hoax. One man's Opinion just said that got intel on it. so it must be something to it.

andddd surprisingly enough, originally i thought it was relegated to the white community, according to the link it started in africa. that merits more digging though.

@kiki: didnt you drink enoug halllll last week? hahahaha...that big ass glass you had made me think i was at the players ball. all it needed was some studs around the glass. LOL!!!

@ms b: im guilty. lol. well maybe not 1 flight but 2 or 3 up...i aint walkin fo shiznit! down some steps i'll just hoof it. up stairs..iaingoin2beable2doit!

@D Mo: it's kind of brisk here. enjoy it while it lasts then. sucks to be in O H I O since it doesnt feel like spring here. lol

KIKI said...

Dc...WTF you talkin about? (you ain't supposed to let everybody know I was gettin THAT fugged up LOL) And have you been outside today? It actually is quite nice out...

Anonymous said...

WTF is wrong with Stephon Marbary and Isaiah Thomas? I'm thisclose to thinking they lovers.

WTF did my white coworker bring her nasty dressing to work? It tasted like she forgot to use sage which is one of the main ingredients for dressing.

dc_speaks said...

@kiki: hell yeah i been outside today. it's nippy. da hell!! oh my bad, but the pimp glass...priceless!

@TOSG: it's Marbury. but ummmm...whatchu talkin bout? let me google some shirt up.

oh and also, did the chicken taste like wood? hahahahahaha

TravelDiva said...

WTF did I just get back from a short vacay and I'm already trying to figure out when I can get up out of dodge again?

Ticia said...

WTF-- I get surgery on Friday..and I haven't prepared at all!!! Damn!!

CapCity said...

WTF happened to gurlnexxdoor? her link don't work no mo'....dayum, & i thought she was cool...

Muze said...

wtf is the deal with it being wtf day every time i visit your blog? lol. i have got to start coming by more often. lol.

dc_speaks said...

@traveldiva: um the name says it all...thats why. hahahaha

@ticia: um..because you know that it's no biggie and you can get it done thursday night if you had too.

@Cap: I was thinking the same thing. I hope everything is ok for her and hers.

@muze: you kinda answered your own question. lol...nuff said!

Mr. Jones said...

WTF do my (white) co-workers continue to test me? Are they trying to make me lose my cool in the office?

WTF is up with football in the state of Maryland this year? My Ravens suck. My Terps suck. Those Redskins suck. (I ain't mad at all about the skins sucking though.)

WTF has college basketball been this good this early in the season? As I type Davidson is down 3 to #1 UNC with 30.2 secs left. I hate Carolina.

deepnthought said...

wtf happened to my titans, ravens, and raiders on Sun. I had such high hopes.

and wtf is up with the drivers in the ATL. I want to just start pulling people over and clubbing them in the head.

lea78 said...

WTF can't I castrate a man without going to jail. I'm just saying.....

Anonymous said...

WTF havent they made naptime at work manditory throughout the U.S.?

WTF did I take the worst "l" ever yesterday?

KIKI said...

LOL@Lea & Nic! I needed that, cause WTF is today worse than yesterday?

WTF don't they make prostitution legal in Ohio so I can at least get paid for doing something I actually enjoy?

Anonymous said...

I just like to type those letters ;).
Spurs 7-2 how about you?

Don said...

WTF is wrong w/ Stephon Marbury? lol

Don said...

lol @ lea & kiki

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

wtf the hating of U Memphis Basketball for

Don said...

WTF is wrong w/ the Saints

KIKI said...

WTF is this the same WTF post from last week?

WTF are you doing?

WTF you gonna post something new?

WTF am I askin you WTF when I should be doing some work?

WTF don't I want to do anywork?

WTF will it be time to go home, cause I got cookin to do?

Eb the Celeb said...

WTF cant I find a good black man that can f the hell out of me when needed and still be sensitive when I want to cuddle that aint got multiple babymama's or drama, that can keep a good job, and knows when I want some alone time, and is cute, and over 6'2...

Sorry, you asked, and I had to vent

One Man’s Opinion said...

WTF is this about a book project? Where the F have I been?

Thembi Ford said...

Um excuse me, I have wtf-ing to do and it certainly is wednesday...

Tired of being broke said...

WTF do short dudes always try to run game on me? Do I have a sign that says dwarfs wanted apply within.

WTF do you smell like rotten aloes at 8 in the morning.

WTF can't you teach your child to cover their nose when they sneeze.