Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Smack Down

If you didn't get an opportunity to hear about the drama on the view yesterday, let me give you a glimpse.

Sherri gave Elisabeth "da bizness" and exposed the elephant in the room relating to John McCain's judgment and passion for his first wife.

You Go Girl!

Since it was spoken on a huge national tv show by a supporter representing her own personal views and not as an official spokesperson of the Obama campaign, it can't be spun to come back on him.

I was waiting to see how long it would take for someone to speak on it.

Sorry, y'all.

I just McCain't do it!

Obama/Biden '08


nikki said...

sherry put it ON elizabeth. i truly do not understand how elizabeth could be that STOOPID. i mean, this isn't just about her not understanding. she is STOOPID. either that or racist, which i guess in the end is the same damn thing.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

classic mccaint chk this if u wanna laugh 10 weeks of seperation

KIKI said...

Man, I love it! But this aint the first time they've went at it like this over the election. Elizabeth keep poppin off at the mouth and she just might get popped in the mouth! I never even used to watch The I'm settin the tivo everyday just to see whats gone jump off.LOL

Lisa Johnson said...

Elisabeth is SO annoying and ignorant, that I can barely watch her anymore. I'm so glad that Whoopi and Sherry have really been on her lately.

Also, good to see you back blogging! I hope that all is well. : )

Shelia said...

I've seen Liz fly off at the mouth lately and I'm glad Whoopi & Sherri don't have a problme trying to put her in her place. The more Lizzie talks, the more ignorant she sounds. She even pissed off Barb.

dmarks said...

Yes, glad you are back!

Eb the Celeb said...

yeah... I really hated sherri when she first came on the view... she always came off so damn ignorant... but lately she has really been doing her research and actually sounding like she has some sense when she opens her mouth...